Monday, 12 May 2008

6 1/2 months

Just a quick update. Haven't had any weighings recently so felt no need to update really. Having a discussion over on Mumsnet at the moment and have posted a link to here so thought I'd update.

S is 6 1/2 months and eating well. We are still perservering with the breastfeeding. She is still on 1 or 2 bottles a day and I have stopped the Fenugreek ( because I ran out basically and couldn't get to town to buy more and then I noticed it wasn't making a difference anyway.

I'm still on 9 domperidone tablets a day and also the folic acid. I'm scared of stopping the domp again incase we have another adverse reaction.

I was determined to get to 6 months and we managed it. I don't know how long we'll manage now.

S sleeps all night and is a very content happy little baby

1 comment:

tiktok said...

Hi, Pixie. Hope this reaches you.

From what I read, I think it may have been the very early days that just didn't set the scene for you - a lot of mothers overcome a difficult start, but I have observed that a substantial number don't, and struggle as a result. We know prolactin receptors are laid down in the first days after the birth, and that this calibrates the milk supply to some extent. Your baby slept a lot at first, then fed 3-4 hourly....and this may just not have been enough to get a good no. of receptors. It's enough for some, I know, but not all. I think, too, your baby's early weight loss was on the high side, and the midwife was wrong to be relaxed about it. All in all, I think your baby was 2 weeks plus before you were supported to pull out all to stops to get it sorted and that may have been too long a delay to make up :(

You got some excellent support and all the gadgets and treatment - after a while. Early co-sleeping in the hospital and skin to skin from the first moments might have led to a more rewarding milk supply for you....,maybe, who can tell?

Hope this helps a bit.
