Thursday, 17 April 2008

week 5

Through all of this S appeared to be very healthy, she was alert, bright eyed, happy to feed, slept ‘normally’, her skin was pink and no signs of dehydration at all.

The following Monday S was weighed and she’d only gained an ounce. I fed her while the health visitor was there and then weighed her after 10 minutes and she was an ounce heavier.

I was devastated and the health visitor told me that by now she would have put her on the bottle. Lots of well meaning people, even real die- hard pro- breastfeeding friends said to me that I couldn’t blame myself for not managing to feed S if I gave her a bottle. Realistically the only people (apart for Ian) who fully supported me through all of this were the lactation consultant and Dr from the breastfeeding clinic as well as another friend of mine who used to be a special baby care nurse and used to tell me that S looked fine- that actually was very reassuring. Both are medical people and I trust them both implicitally. If they had told me that I was harming S then of course I would give her a bottle but they didn’t tell me that.

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